The snow has melted and the temps are above freezing for the first time since New Years. The right side of my brain is come to life and I am getting ready for our next meeting on March 18th. I thought I would provide you with some interesting information about upcoming education opportunities and recent articles that have appeared in the press lately, just in case you have not seen them.
The big announcement yesterday in Dayton that the Borders book store at the Dayton Mall is scheduled to close as part of their filing for Chapter 11. This announcement just confirms the impact that e-books and self publishing is having on the publishing business. The recent article in USA Today that a young author has sold over 250,000 copies(priced at $ 2.99 - $ .99) of her self published books through web sites and downloads confirms that there are many more alternatives for people to publish their works without publishers and agents. Even popular Twitter sites are getting their own series on TV.
If you do not follow Jane Friedman's popular blog's: FeedBlitz(
Here is a portion of her recent posting regarding some upcoming education which might be of interest.
There are so many interesting opportunities coming up for online education that I wanted to take a moment to round them up!
- FREE: The Evolution of Self-Publishing webcast, brought to you by Digital Book World and Publishers Weekly. Feb. 22. Go register here.
- Building Your Author Platform, a new 8-week online course by publishing professional Dan Blank. It's $799, so it may not be affordable for everyone. (Your next best affordable option is Christina Katz's book, GET KNOWN BEFORE THE BOOK DEAL.)
- Do Your E-Book Right, presented by yours truly, on Feb. 24 ($79). The best part is that I take Q&A and any questions I can't answer during the session still get a follow-up response via e-mail. You also get access to the recording of the session for a full year.
- Crafting Fiction & Memoir That Sells, presented by agent Andrea Hurst, on March 3. Includes critique of your first page.
I will again remind you to register for the upcoming seminars for Mad Anthony's Workshop and AWW.
Where: Historic Hamilton, Ohio
Featuring: Editors, Publishers. & Agents
Keynote Speaker: Hallie Ephron
Why: The 2011 Mad Anthony Writer’s Conference is your opportunity to learn from the experts, network with a community of writers, have your manuscripts reviewed, & to give your dreams of being a published writer a chance to come true. Check out the list of presenters at this springs conference. The price is right...
Here is the Web site for more information:
This week long seminar in July(from 9 through 15, 2011) for writers of fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry and memoir. Whether you’re a beginning, intermediate, or advanced writer, They offer inspiration, instruction, and professional connections through morning lectures, afternoon workshops and "a la carte" enrollment.
The distinguished faculty includes Jim Daniels(poetry), Mark Goodman(Creative Non Fiction), Nancy Pickard(Keynote Speaker and Fiction) and our own Nancy Pinard. There many other authors of various genres to mention, as well as a well know agent and editor who you can pitch your project to.
Some of us have attended the AWW in the past. You will be happy to know that Joyce Dyer is returning this summer to host an afternoon session on Memoirs and Personal Essays.
Sign up early on the website. If you choose to send your enrollment via the mail make sure you have the correct address on your envelope. The US Postal Service will not forward you application and enrollment information. The address has changed since late January.
LLI-Osher Spring Seminar March 14th through May 6th.
Many of the current Wannabe's participate in this program at the University of Dayton annually. As a matter of fact many of you have taught in this popular program in the past. The Wannabe's as a group was formed three years ago as a result of taking a Creative Writing Class from Ms. Pinard.
If you have not received the schedule for classes for the spring term, here is a link:
You will notice that I will be teaching one of the new seminars this spring: "Self Publishing".
I know that other Wannabe members have taught classes in the past. For me I am honored to be asked to share my experiences with everyone.
The six session class will discuss the various tools and techniques that can be used to publish. Whether you want to print a cookbook, a coffee table collection of your prize winning photo's or drawings, a hard back book of poems for your grandchildren or just your first prize winning novel there are a number alternatives that will allow you to accomplish your goal without breaking the bank.
Self-Publishing: Tools and Techniques
NEW! How many of you have thought of publishing your own book or novel? Do you have a short story and/or a poem that you want to share with others either digitally or in the form of a hardback book with a dust cover? You can choose from many tools and services to help you achieve your goal. We will explore what is required to self-publish digitally with devices like Nook and Kindle. Also, we will review the alternatives available to publish a full color paperback or bound book with a dust cover and the cost involved. We will explore the use of social networking tools like Twitter and Facebook. We will also discuss the role of blogs and websites.
6 Mondays, March 14 – April 18
12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. in the McGinnis Center
Don P just sent me an announcement for our Wannabe Poets. Those of you who live in Miami County may want to participate in a Poet Writing Contest. There are three categories with separate prize money for each group: Children, High School Students and Adults. The faculty from Sinclair will be the judges.
Entry fee is 5 dollars(non refundable) must accompany you subission form. Make checks Payable to
The Troy Hayner Cultural Center
301 W Main Street
Troy, Ohio 45373
Deadline for submission is March 21st. Winning entries will be read on April 21 at the cultural center.
Go to their web site at this link to get additional info on the format requirements and deadlines for submission.
The digital age is upon us. Not only has the way we read a book changed from buying a paper back to reading a Kindle, but also the way a publication can be produced. For instance their are now Apps for writing on smart phone(i Phone). If you have a project in mind and would like to explore where to begin...sign up for the class. Hope to see you there.
I hope you all have survived the harsh winter we have had. It just provided more time to rest the right side of your brain for the writing and creative projects we have procrastinated about for months. Have a great weekend.