I have seen a number of postings and emails announcing contests for writers. Instead of waiting till out next meeting I thought I would send you the info so you could check out(unless you already know..then just delete).
Red Hen Press announced submissions for the The Los Angeles Review. Here is the information and the link to their web cite.
Reading Period Status: We are currently open to submissions for Issue 10, dedicated to Ishmael Reed. Submissions for Issue 10 will remain open from March 1, 2011 to the end of business hours on June 1, 2011.
Submit Here: Submit to The Los Angeles Review
In addition to sending work via Submishmash at the link above, you may also send work via email (please direct email to the appropriate editor.) Please note that Submishmash is our preferred method of submission, and work sent via email may be subject to longer response times. Postal submissions will be considered only by prior arrangement with the editors.
Simultaneous submissions are accepted if noted in the cover letter. Please do not send multiple submissions unless an editor has invited you to do so. Response time is two to three months.
Compensation: Writers published in The Los Angeles Review will receive one contributor copy in exchange for first North American rights.
Ordering information: We encourage our submitters to read a copy of our journal. You can find ordering information here. Contact the Managing Editor for information about classroom subscriptions, course adoption, and bulk discounts.
Submission Guidelines
Nonfiction: We seek essay, memoir, and commentary told as compelling, focused, sustained narrative in a distinctive voice, rich with detail. Send 1,000-4,000 words or delight us with flash nonfiction that cat-burgles our expectations.
Fiction: We’re looking for to hard-to-put-down shorties under 500 words and lengthier shorts up to 4,000 words–lively, vivid, excellent literary fiction.
Poetry: Please submit 3-5 poems that will surprise us, wow us, and make us wish we’d written them ourselves. We are open to form, free verse, prose poems, and experimental styles. Our only criterion is quality.
Book Reviews: We welcome queries to review new and recent books of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, particularly those that have not received the critical attention they deserve. We are especially interested in authors and works that are connected in some way to the Los Angeles or Southern California regions. Please familiarize yourself with the kind of creative work we publish, as we are unlikely to print reviews of material that is vastly different from that which we feature in the magazine
Translations: Please submit 3-5 translated pieces that open the writer’s original vision to an English-speaking audience; the writing may include poetry, novel excerpts, short stories, essays or interviews. We do not consider work that has been previously published in English translation in the U.S. Please provide a biographical summary of the author and enclose a copy of the original text. Translators must obtain copyright permission for work to be published.
Writers Digest "Self Published" Book Awards
The Writer's Digest International Self-Published Book Awards
The 19th Annual Self-Published Book Awards is now open. Click here for details.
Glimmer Train welcomes the work of established and upcoming writers.
We especially appreciate stories that are both well written and emotionally engaging. Please let us read yours! If it is chosen for publication in Glimmer Train Stories, you will be paid upon acceptance. Your story will be prepared with care, and presented in a handsome, highly regarded literary journal to readers all over the world. If you've seen Glimmer Train Stories, you know that we go to some lengths to honor our contributors and their writing.
Every category will be open for one full calendar month, from the first day through midnight of the last day. (Exception: The December Fiction Open closes on January 2nd each year.)
Click on category link for complete guidelines:
- January: Very Short Fiction Award (Up to 3,000 words) and Standard
- February: Short Story Award for New Writers
- March: Fiction Open (2,000 to 20,000 wds)
- April: Family Matters and Standard
- May: Short Story Award for New Writers
- June: Fiction Open (2,000 to 20,000 wds)
- July: Very Short Fiction Award (Up to 3,000 words) and Standard
- August: Short Story Award for New Writers
- September: Fiction Open (2,000 to 20,000 wds)
- October: Family Matters and Standard
- November: Short Story Award for New Writers
- December: Fiction Open (2,000 to 20,000 wds)
Please note: There are no minimum word counts for any category besides the Fiction Open.
Submissions must be original, unpublished fiction. (Online publication does not disqualify a piece.)
• Please, no novels, poetry, or stories written for children.
• Submissions should be made via our site, but in a pinch you can make paper submissions.
• Please doublespace, use 12 point font, to save our eyes. Name, contact info, and page count are all optional.
• When we accept a story for publication, we are purchasing first-publication rights. (Once we've published your story, you are free to, for instance, include it in your own collection.)
• Competition submissions are also automatically considered for standard publication.
• It's fine to submit a previously submitted story (revised or not) to any category for which it qualifies.
• We're happy to consider stories whether they're submitted as competition entries or standard submissions, for which there are no reading fees.
Standard or competition? How to decide • Simultaneous submissions are fine; we ask that you email us immediately please should a submitted piece be accepted elsewhere. • Response times for all competitions have been shortened so your stories won't be tied up for more than two months after the close of any category. Competition winners are posted here and are announced in our monthly bulletins. • Please put glimmertrainpress.com and mail.glimmertrainpress.com on your safe-senders list so we can reach you, and keep us advised of email address changes by clicking on Contact Preferences once you're logged in at the site. (We never share your contact info.)
Have a great weekend and keep your right brain active...remember life is like drinking a cup of coffee. It really does not matter what the coffee is served in that matters. If given the choice we would pick the fancy one, the best looking one or even the largest. We usually avoid the broken cup or the one the is chipped or stained. Funny the coffee would taste the same. Have a great weekend.
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