Thursday, April 5, 2012

Guest Speaker Matt Kish

Attention Attention Attention
Wannabe's and Friends

The next monthly meeting of the Wannabe's has been changed. It was originally scheduled for April 20th at 9 AM. The new date is now Friday 27th. We will still meet at UD's River Campus at 9 AM. Matt Kish will be our guest speaker that morning.

Matt will discuss the background and success the background and success of his personal journey to produce and publish his first art book entitled

"Moby-Dick in Pictures: One Drawing for Every Page". If you would like to get a preview of Matt and his personal excitement of publishing this work last year then I would encourage you to watch this video:

He will be able to discuss the strange journey of his project book and discuss how his blog site play a significant role in the early promotion of this project. He will also discuss his journey and where it has taken him recently in his new projects. His Blog site is called Spudd 64 : Matt Kish has some remarkable work for review. Here is a link:

Our Wannabe's monthly meeting will be held in Room 2006 instead of the Cafeteria this month to accommodate more attendee's. We have invited members of the LLI program to attend if they wish to hear Matt's story. We will cover any announcements for the Wannabe's group in the first part of our meeting from 9 to 9:30 AM and then have Matt speak for the remainder of our meeting time which is 11:30 AM.

Don't miss this interesting and talents individual and her how he was able to publish his work to the world through social media tools.

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