Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Journal for November 2012

The Wannabe's Journal
November 2012

We hope you all have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving Holiday.  The Wannabe's had a monthly meeting last Friday at UD and we were able to share a lot of good stories and interesting information.  Before we review the details of the meeting we wanted to point our to our members that the annual Christmas Brunch will be held at Mary Lou's condo in Centerville again this year.  The date of our next meeting will be December 21st.  The fellow below looks a lot like me in my other uniform with the exception of his nose. 


The annual Christmas Brunch at my condo Friday, Dec 21at 9 am! 
I will make the Egg Casserole and serve coffee.
Need volunteers to bring:
Orange Juice
Bagels and cream cheese
Sweet rolls
Fruit salad
Champagne (To mix with OJ to make the mimosas!)
Small bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream (to mix with coffee)(Don Q will bring...the Irish Cream that is)
Any and all brunch treats are welcome!Please email Mary Lou at the following email address to confirm your attendance and what item you will be able to bring. 

What we talked about in our meeting

Rosie:  Shared with the group a new project she is creating for her granddaughter's 18th birthday.  Made from custom made paper, the picture book which is structured like an accordion contains a  life time of pictures, poems and Hiku's that will be a treasure that will be cherish forever. 

Don H. He and his partners have formed a company to help writers who want to self publish.  Don helped a close relative publish a book about coal mining entitled " Black Damp Century" 
He also recommended a book entitled "Monkey Paw" a short story by W.W. Jacobs.  Don also announced that the Anthology is still in development but will not be ready this year. 

Fay D. She read from a Memoir that she wrote about her life entitled "Bits and Pieces".  She read a portion of the book for us to enjoy.  The books style is unique in that it is entirely formated in short paragraphs with pictures used to support the story that was told in a few sentences.  It was interesting that she wrote this book a number of years ago well before the advent of Twitter with its 140 character thought stream format.  Who says we are behind the times at our age. 

One of  the interesting items in the story she read to us on Friday was the reference to a penny candy she bought as a child called:  Chicken Bones.  Chicken Bones are made with a rich, nut-meat center of chopped, fresh roasted almonds, cashews and coconut covered with butterscotch.  The use to cost 3 for a penny.  Now that penny won't even get you one. 

Martha.  Recommended that we read a book entitled:

30 Lessons for Living: Tried and True Advice from the Wisest Americans  

One of her quotes from the book was:  "Don't act your age".

Jud. She has written about 30, 000 words for her new fictional novel.  She is participating in the NaNoWriMo which  is an annual (November) novel writing project that brings together professional and amateur writers from all over the world.  Her goal is to write 1667 words a day. 

We also discussed writing your memoir in either 3 word or 6 word sentences. Try doing that. 

Wanda:  read a new story entitled: "Just Before Thanksgiving". 

Just Before Thanksgiving

It was November twenty third, a wet wintery afternoon, when our grandmother realized
she was out of cranberries and decided to make a last ditch run to Gus' Super Market. 
After she parked her car, she discovered she was parked in the middle of a 
puddle. In an attempt to avoid the puddle, she jumped to the front of her car almost 
landing on the toes of an elderly woman trying to avoid the same puddle. The woman 
smiled and said, "It's hard to believe this parking lot has so many puddles".

Grandmother not wanting to appear rude replied"Yes it is, especially because it is so late
in November one would expect snow not rain". The woman, to Grandmother's surprise, 
did not want to let go of her cordial reply and continued to converse. "I just returned from 
Virginia where I buried my husband", she said.

Grandmother stopped dead in her tracks, she was blindsided by the stranger's
openness. That was the last thing she expected to here from this pleasant woman,
who by the way was no longer very pleasant, for her eyes were full of tears . She said
"I miss him so much".

Grandmother was dumbfounded, but managed a sympathetic response and said 
"I am so sorry". At that, the woman replied,"Well it's all right, he had been sick for quite awhile.
He had diabetes and a heart problem. They had to remove his leg and his heart could not 
withstand the surgery". Grandmother again replied,"I am so sorry" and hurried into the 
grocery store. A feeling of guilt began to prick at her conscience. She did not think
there were words of comfort significant enough to meet this strangers immense sense of loss.

While shopping, Grandmother passed the woman in the store and noticed her shopping
cart had very little groceries in it. A thought raced across Grandmother's mind, not only
did this lady lose her husband, but now may have to face Thanksgiving Day alone.

Grandmother walked up to the woman and asked "are you going to be alone for
Thanksgiving?". The woman replied " Yes. My youngest son died in Vietnam, my middle 
son died in a car accident and my oldest son, who was a mine inspector, died of a lung
disease.She continued on. "My mother burned to death in a house fire and now my
Husband is gone."

Grandmother could not believe what she was hearing. The woman attempted to explain
why she still maintained hope despite her enormous loss by referring to Job's trial and
tribulations. Grandmother was overwhelmed with the magnitude of her loss and blurted 
out "Would you like to come to  Thanksgiving dinner at my house?". The stranger looked
surprised and said "Thank you but I think I want to be alone". Grandmother said, "I
understand, but in case you change your ind, I will give you my phone number."

The woman said, " My name is Dorothy, what is yours?". After exchanging names and 
phone numbers Grandmother returned home. She wondered if Dorothy would call. She
knew Dorothy may need some alone healing time, but she also knew Dorothy realized
the world was not quite as lonely as it was before she went to the grocery store and
Grandmother realized how fortunate she was to be with family for Thanksgiving

Don P.  Related his personal experience in trying to join the Army.  He tried numerous times to enlist but he unfortunately did not weigh enough to pass the physical.  They even recommended that he not visit the bathroom prior to his next visit so he would have a better chance of qualifying. 

A member of their church is moving to Tennessee and they have a  problem with relatives that have the same birthday.  Don said that he could relate to that.  You see Don has a identical twin brother. 

I have a very serious question to ask Doug and Cindy.

Since both of you were born on the same day who's birthday is dominant on each annual 17 November? I understand that this can be a problem. Does the one born first automatically claim the day? Does the one who gets out of bed first on the 17th claim the day? Do you set a time limit so that getting up before that time doesn't count towards this major decision? Do you just draw straws after you get up to see who gets to claim the day? Do you divide the day so each one has dominance for half a day? Is this called a half-birthday?

If there is need of a consultant to resolve any problems, I have an identical twin so I understand the magnitude of this problem of identical birthdays completely. I have been involved with the problem for 76 years now, with the next one coming up in two months. You may feel free to call me at any time and let me give you the benefit of my vast experience with this problem. The good news is that my fees are not excessive.

I have made two copies of this since I didn't want to play favorites or start a fight. Each of you can draw a card and write your name at the indicated spot on the top left.

Call me.
Don Peacock

Don Q.  Discussed the fact that our meeting for the next year are on the following dates:

Year 2013 Meeting schedule for the Wannabe's in the LLI lounge, 2nd floor of the River Campus building from 9 AM to 11:30 AM.

Jan 18th
February 15th
March 22nd
April 19th
May 17th
June 21st
July 19th
Aug 16th
Sept 20th
Oct 18th
Nov 15th

Remember this year our meeting will be held at  Mary Lou's condo on Dec 21st. 

I will be doing a number of book signing events in the next few weeks for my new book entitled Santa's Magic.  Here is just one event where you are more than welcome to come and have a chance to buy an autographed copy of a Wannabe's members book for the holiday.  They make great teachers gifts and stocking stuffer. 

Ho! Ho! Ho!
Dear Friend, I have put together a wonderful
evening for you at the Miami Valley Country on
November 30th, 2012, from 7 - 11 pm. The halls
of Miami Valley will be decked with whimsical
jolly that surely will bring a twinkle to your eye.
The stockings will be hung by the chimney with
care in hopes that you and yours will soon be
Scattered about the Miami Valley Country Club
will be crafts by We Care Arts; The Brian Hafer
Foundation Christmas Golf Collection; A Winter
Art Collection from the Town & Country Fine
Arts Gallery; a book signing of two new books,
“Santa’s Magic” and “The Little Bird Who Loved
Taking A Bath”; beautifully designed wreaths
tailored from pinecones collected from the
Dayton Area; music from Scott Lindberg and
Rodney Corbin; a reverse raffle with a grand
prize of $7500* and delicious hors d’oeuvres’
magically put together by the Valley’s own
kitchen elves. And of course I, Santa Claus will be
there. Better check that list twice because that’s
a lot of Joy packed into one evening.
Please don’t wait, buy your ticket now! November
30th will be here in a nod and I need to know
how many stockings to fill.
Sincerely yours,
Santa Claus
aka....The Brian Hafer Foundation,
We Care Arts, The First Tee, and the
Miami Valley Country Club.
Purchase your ticket online at or call
*$7500 Grand prize based on the sale of 200 tickets.
May be adjusted to number of tickets sold
Coming to you live from the North Pole....
Scenes from the Brian Hafer
Christmas Golf Collection

Don Hart and I will be selling the Christmas Anthology and Santa's Magic at the UD Bookstore on the evening of December 5th from 6 to 8 PM. 

New Photo editing toolSnapheal is a Apple Mac Photo editing tool that has similar capabilities of Photoshop with a more reasonable price tag. I think the price of the software after  a 14 day trial use was around 20 dollars.  It has a great editing feature.  Here is their Website.

Our group also discussed the possibility of having a Writers Seminar next Fall(2013) that will be a Workshop format with speakers on poetry, fiction, non-fiction, photography and even self publishing topics such as Formatting using In Design and Marketing using Facebook, Twitter and Linkin.  We will provide you with more information as we start to put the program together.  We will try to schedule the event in early November so that we can have a book signing for local authors who have self published a book recently and want to share the wealth of their talents with friends and family. 

May you and your family have a very happy and safe Thanksgiving.  For those Snowbirds who are traveling make sure you understand that Turkey season has already started in some parts of the be extra safe. 

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