The Wannabe's Journal
January 2013
January 2013
Our meeting this month in the LLI lounge at UD's River campus was influenced by the weather. We realize that the snow birds had already flown south and some people are so busy that they could not fit our activity into their busy schedule.
By the way I did hear from our dear friend Bob O'Connor:
Dear Wannabees,
While I would love to attend this next meeting
but I am still unable to walk with out a walker--had 3 surgeries (2 on my back
and also a rotator cuff) last year and at 80 years old I am not healing
very quickly--if you compile a list of your recommended books sure would
appreciate it if someone could e-mail me a copy.
Blessed 2013 to all...
We all wish Bob the best of health and patience in his recovery. We will keep the light on for ya. ****************************
Here are the notes that I created from our members last Friday. Our members activities are still diverse:
Jud: Discussed the Fiction Writing Class she is currently taking from Katrina Kittle:
Instructor: Katrina Kittle
This class is closed. Check Katrina's Web site for her up coming events at this location.
I have attended one of her seminar's and she is an excellent instructor.
Jud also recommended a noted author by the name of Barbara Kingsolver who has published a number of novels. Two novels that she recommended were: "Flight Behavior" and "The Poisonwood Bible"
Don P. showed the cover of his soon to be published collection of short stories. He is working with Don H on self publishing his new book. He is currently reading a series of novel by a Christian author. He is reading a book entitled: "Jesus" by Deepak Chopra. The author also published similar novel entitled "God" and "Super Brain". A very interesting author who looks at the broad meaning of life. Don also recommended "The Rent Collector" by Camron Wright.
Martha: Recommended a novel she just purchase that provides some helpful hints on writing. "Several short sentences about Writing" is written by Verlyn Klinkenborg who is a member of the editorial board of the New York Times. One of the authors best observations and recommendation is about the role of cliche. "A cliche is dead matter...eats your brain. ...The only thing to do with a cliche is send it to the sports page...or speechwriters where it will live forever." How true.
Wannda B: Read a Christmas story and talked about the many Writing contests that are available for new novelists. She indicated that the Saturday Evening Post has announced a Fiction writing contest for the Spring issue in 2014.
The Saturday Evening Post 2014
Great American Fiction Contest
2014 Great American Fiction Contest
Enter Now!In its nearly three centuries of existence, The Saturday Evening Post has published short fiction by a who’s who of American authors including F. Scott Fitzgerald; William Faulkner; Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.; Ray Bradbury; Louis L’Amour; Sinclair Lewis; Jack London; and Edgar Allan Poe. Now you have the opportunity to join that illustrious line-up by taking part in The Saturday Evening Post’s Second Annual Great American Fiction Contest.
The winning story will be published in the Jan/Feb 2014 edition of the magazine and on our website. The winning writer will receive a payment of $500. Five runners-up will be published on our website and receive payment of $100 each.
I also received information this week on the Writers Digest Writer Contest for Self Published authors:
Early Bird Deadline: April 1, 2013
Wondering what is in it for you?
- A chance to win $3,000 in cash
- Get national exposure for your work
- Catch the attention of prospective editors and publishers
- A paid trip to the ever-popular Writer’s Digest Conference in New York City!
Enter your book into one or more of these categories:
- Mainstream/Literary Fiction
- Genre Fiction
- Nonfiction
- Inspirational (Spiritual, New Age)
- Life Stories (Biographies, Autobiographies, Family Histories, Memoirs)
- Children’s/Picture books
- Middle-Grade/Young Adult books
- Reference Books (Directories, Encyclopedias, Guide Books)
- Poetry
- $3,000 cash and a trip to the Writer’s Digest Conference in New York City
- A priceless endorsement for their book from the Writer’s Digest Editors–10 copies of their book for submission to major publishing review houses
- A one-year membership for Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), the largest not-for-profit trade association representing more than 3,000 independent book publishers, courtesy of Brian Jud & Book Marketing Works, LLC
- Guaranteed acceptance in a special sales catalog and national representation through 1,800 salespeople who sell to non-bookstore markets
- A one-year membership to Author-U
- A copy of Show Me About Book Publishing and consultation with Book Shepherd Judith Briles (valued at $500)
- A guaranteed review in Midwest Book Review
- $1,000 cash and promotion in Writer’s Digest
- A one-year membership to Small Publishers Association of North America (SPAN)
- A guaranteed review in Midwest Book Review
- A one-year membership to Book Central Station where you can find lists of suppliers rated by previous clients, provided by Brian Jud & Book Marketing Works, LLC
- An ebook titled Beyond the Bookstore by Brian Jud (with CD).
- Be featured on the Writer’s Digest website
- Receive a copy of The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing, 4th Edition by Tom and Marilyn Ross
- $100 worth of Writer’s Digest Books
Rosie H: Informed the group that there was to be another poetry reading event at the Arts Gallery in Town and Country on Sunday afternoon January 20th from 5 to 7. Yes that was last week. Do not get upset. They plan to repeat the event each month until April when they will celebrate National Poetry Month with Special event. We will provide more information on the event next month.
When not busy....ha ha ha, Rosie is taking an on-line class from a noted author named Jan Phillips:
Seeing Our Way Clear
Photography as a Healing Art
For the photographer and non-photographer alike, this experiential hands-on workshop will hone your skills in seeing, capturing and sharing the beauty around you. Through a variety of creative exercises, each participant is coached in the art of photographic composition, creative use of light, and a more complete understanding of your camera.
Includes opportunities to share your body of work, photograph with others in the best light of day, create a one of a kind artbook, and improve your editing skills. Everyone will come away with an image of yourself that is breathtaking and beautiful.
• Experience for yourself the healing power of photography
• Tap into your creative potential through the use of images
• Become more intimate with your camera and learn how to use it fully
• Learn the 4 essentials to good editing
• Find more joy in your life by expanding your range of vision
Don Q is always busy. He started two MIS classes this spring on Jan 14th. The Santa gig is done until next fall...he wishes he could be on a warm beach, wriggling his toes in the sand while reading a great book. He will be teaching his Self Publishing class again this spring. He recently dusted off The Ghost of Manchester Beach manuscript and began the process of creating a new book. (Remember no cliche).
Don has been on a reading kick lately and has compiled a list of books he recently read.
Pillars of Earth by Ken Follett....highly recommend
The Winner by David Baldacci...good mystery thriller
Wild by Cheryl Strayed...a very good memoir
Super Freakonomics by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner...Interesting look at microeconomics in real life settings
Currently on my reading list: "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking" by Susan Cain. My wife recommended this book for me. I wonder why?????
I would like to recommend that those new writers who are just getting started and want to attend a excellent writers workshop then you should consider the following:
Welcome new and returning Mad Anthony Writers!
Mad Anthony Writers Conference offers a brilliant opportunity for you to learn from the experts,network with a community of kindred spirits, have your manuscripts reviewed, and give your
dreams of becoming a published author a chance to come true.
Your attendance also helps spread the joy of reading and writing throughout the larger community.
In its brief existence, this non-profit conference has donated more than $35,000 to local literacy
campaigns. Make plans now to join us—but hurry! Participation is limited to the first 90 registrants
to maintain the unique camaraderie of MAWC.
Register by Feb. 1, 2013 to get the Early Bird Special—all three days for just $199!
When: | Friday-Sunday, April 12-14, 2013 |
Where: |
Historic Hamilton, Ohio, “The City of Sculpture” 10 minutes west of I-75 on Route 129 (exit 24) between Cincinnati and Dayton |
Overview: |
DAY 1: Murder & Mayhem • Keynote speaker, Sharon M. Draper DAY 2: Write Like Mad workshops • One-on-One Appointments DAY 3: Master Classes |
Get to it!: |
REGISTER before February 1, 2013 for Early Bird discounts. HOTEL accommodations are available at Hamilton’s Marriott Courtyard Inn. Mention ‘Mad Anthony’ to receive our special group discount! |
Questions?: |
Check our Frequently Asked Questions first. Still need answers? Contact for assistance. |
This years list of presenter's include Nancy Pinard and Jane Friedman two of my favorite writing friends. Make sure you take advantage of the early sign-in opportunity. Here is a link to read all about all the presenters:
For those perfectionists in the audience I am sorry for any right brain mistakes. I hope that the information is helpful and it makes for a better day.Next month: Our Meeting with be on February 15th in the LLI lounge beginning at 9 AM.
Have a great week and stay warm...they say reading makes the heart feel warmer.
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