Sunday, May 10, 2009


This is a new poem by Julie Zink. It was read to us at our last meeting on 4/12/09.

Solace by Julie Zink
Old tattered nightgown

Why do I always choose you?
When laced edge satin creations beckon
Holding out a promise to upscale dreams
But your frayed flannel always wins out
Your longevity pushed way too far
You promise comfort
An invitation to enfold and soothe
Warmth for the aching soul
Shelter from the sharp frigid night
Please do not fall apart just yet
Hang together yet a little longer
My peaceful dreams depend on you.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Quincy and Rover by Jack Matthews

Here are a couple of Jack Matthews books that he has published in recent years. He is currently working a a short story involving his favorite dog and cat. The cat's name is Quincy and the dog's name is Rover.

He has read portions of the story at our monthly meetings recently.

We will try to have Jack post a copy of his poem about Quincy and Rover before next month.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Don's recent Memoir is Published

Letters from Otto is a memoir by D.A.Quigley. The story traces the humble beginnings on a farm in upstate New York to the University of Dayton. This humorous and sympathetic collection is set in a small rural town in the late 50's and early 60's. Over 60 letters trace early childhood, first loves and best friends. In today's age of the internet written letters are becoming a dying art. This book is a dedication to the legacy and importance of creating and saving these old memories.

Writers Class---Nancy recommended

Save 20% on May Writing Courses.
Use Coupon Code MAY09 when you register today!
NEW Featured Course
In this new course from author Les Edgerton, learn how to create beginnings that keep your audience hooked from the first paragraph. Based on the popular book Hooked, this workshop will teach you to create an opening sentence, an opening paragraph, and an opening scene that will immediately hook an agent or editor, as well as your eventual readers.

This is the first time this course has been offered, and is only available from WritersOnlineWorkshops! Register today to reserve your seat!

In this course you will:
  • Develop effective fiction beginning techniques that can be applied to either novels or short stories.
  • Learn to create an opening sentence that will immediately hook an agent or editor.
  • Learn how contemporary story structure differs from the structure of even a few years ago
  • Discover the basics of contemporary story beginnings that will help get your work read and sold.
Register Now!

Last Meeting Notes

The workshop is tomorrow at Sinclair. I believe the phone book has a map of the campus in the front pages but you can also find it on the web. If you are a senior according to AARP or have been a student at Sinclair this year then the workshop is free!!!!!!!!!! Yes free.

We are also planning on having two meetings in May, probably the 8th and the 26th. Remember we are still looking for articles for the Osher LLI by the end of May. 500 words on how the classes you have taken there have somehow provided you with gifts.

Hope you all have a great weekend, hope to see you at Sinclair tomorrow.

Friday, April 24, 2009

11-5 p.m.

David H. Ponitz Sinclair Center, Building 12


Jim Daniels: The Artist in Troubled Times

Jim Daniels is best known as a major figure in working-class poetry in the United States . Since 1981, Daniels has been on the faculty of the creative writing program at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he is the Thomas Stockham Baker Professor of English. He won the inaugural Brittingham Prize in Poetry in 1985 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was educated at Alma College and Bowling Green State University. His books include Places/Everyone, Punching Out, M-80, and Blessing the House.


· 11-12:00 p.m. Registration, Building 12, outside Charity Earley Auditorium.

· 12-1:00 p.m. Keynote address by Jim Daniels: Charity Earley Auditorium.

· 1:15-2:30 p.m. Workshop Session A.

· 2:30-2:45 p.m. Refreshment break, north end of first floor.

· 2:45-4:00 p.m. Workshop Session B.

· 5:00-6:00 p.m. Reception: Charity Earley Auditorium. This is a chance to enjoy refreshments, mingle with the workshop presenters, and network with fellow writers.


Jim Daniels: The Poet’s Response

Our keynote speaker will also be presenting sessions at the Writers’ Workshop. Join Jim to explore ways in which writers can reach into their inner selves to find their personal artistic response to rapidly changing and often turbulent times.

David Lee Garrison: Writing Poetry

David Lee Garrison teaches Spanish, Portuguese, and Comparative Literature at Wright State University , and he has led writing workshops at various other colleges and universities. His poems, essays, and translations have appeared in literary magazines all over the country, and his co-edited anthology, O Taste and See: Food Poems (Bottom Dog Press), won the 2004 American Poetry Anthology Award from Pudding House Press. Two poems from his latest book, Sweeping the Cemetery (Browser Books), were read by Garrison Keillor on his nationally-syndicated radio program The Writer’s Almanac. Join David as he provides exercises and insights to help you writer better poetry and get your work published.

Judy Johnson: Editing Your Work for Publication

Judy A. Johnson has been a freelance writer of educational materials for nine years, following careers in teaching, librarianship, and editing. Her first book, A Week to Pray About It, was published in 2006. Her nonfiction articles and poems have appeared in Karamu, Mars Hill Review, Caring4Cancer, and Crone: Women Coming of Age, as well as online at and Join Judy as she provides tips on getting your writing in shape to submit to editors and – once your work is accepted – how to work with publishers to make sure your writing is presented to the public in the best way possible.

Rebecca Morean: Awaking the Writer Within

Rebecca Morean is a novelist, short story writer, essayist, and grant writer. She’s the author of In the Dead of Winter ( St. Martin ’s Press) along with numerous stories and articles. An assistant professor of English at Sinclair Community College , she’s the director for the college’s annual creative writing contest. She also serves as a board member for the Antioch Writers’ Workshop, and teaches workshops on a variety of writing-related topics. She lives in Yellow Springs , Ohio . Join Rebecca as she provides advice and exercises on finding and liberating your individual writer’s voice.


Presenters’ books will be available for purchase and signing throughout the workshop.


Parking passes for the underground parking garage beneath Building 12 ONLY are available for $2.00 in the office of Corporate and Community Services, room 12-101


Registration for the workshop is $25. Sinclair students, faculty, staff may attend free of charge. Senior citizens may also attend free of charge.